
Okay, I am exhausted and my Mom is resting before I get ready for bed. Purple Hearts is over now and I took my contacts out already. I got on Facebook and I saw that a Facebook friend posted this which made me laugh hysterically!:

My son is about to be 21 and as a teacher, I would never homeschool because I was working when he was supposed to be learning. But when I read that meme, I laughed because probably a month ago, Sean was talking to my Mom and me on the phone and he said that he didn’t know that ‘beef’ was slang and frowned upon when you were speaking with customers. He is working with an irrigation company.

My Mom was holding the phone and we were on speaker and after he told that to us, I said, “What’s beef? Beef is when you need to gats to go to sleep.”

I just said that in passing because I was in high school when that song came out and Sean stopped talking and said that, “I never thought the day would come when he would hear me “Biggie Smalls! “I started to laugh and was reminded of one I was puzzlin’ at home when he came home from school and I was jammin’ to some Bob Marley and singing it as loud as I could! He knew that I knew the words and he was blown away that I did!

I told him that Bob Marley is even before my generation so it’s crazy that he knows it! We both are both know why he knows it and I knew it but I love it today still!!! He’s classic for sure!!!