Medical Situations

I think that I look younger in medical situations. I’m really not sure why that is but here are two instances that happened before I tell you about what happened today:

Back when I was hospitalized with MS suspicion in 2000, a doctor was taking me to get tests done. He was pushing me in a wheelchair while we all piled in. The doctor who stood by the Control panel looked at the doctor pushing my wheelchair and asked, “6!” And the doctor pushing my chair corrected them and said, “No, 12.”

Here was what was going on, I didn’t understand it until the doctor who asked the question clarified. I can’t remember the numbers they said for real but the doctor pushing my chair got us into the elevator and the doctor at the buttons asked for the pediatric ward. He asked that because after he asked the floor number and the doctor pushing me corrected him, he said, “She’s not in peds?” Thinking that I was young enough to be a patient in the pediatric ward. I was 18 then.

Another time, I had to go to the ER for a chest x-ray because I had just moved into our first apartment and I was super stressed out! I was in a hospital gown and I was wearing my chucks.
I needed to have a chest x-ray done.

The nurse explained that I needed to stand in front of the x-ray machine against the wall. I was still able to walk back then because I was only 23 so I stood in front of the x-ray machine where I was told. As she was getting the films ready, she whispered into my ear, “You have cherries on your underwear!”

I was extremely taken aback by that remark because I was 23 years old!
commenting on the pattern on your underwear print is NOT something adults talk about with COMPLETE strangers! It was at that moment when I realized that I must look younger when I am wearing a hospital gown. I think that I just weekly smiled at her and agreed.

Becky, the new wound care nurse who came over today because Sonya had a day off. I was already out of bed and seated in my chair in the living room by the time she came. My Mom was scurrying around the house. Becky put her hand on my left shoulder and said, “How old are you, honey?”

I looked at her and told her that I was 40. We were both wearing masks but I could tell her mouth was agape! She told me that I looked like I was 16! Well, that’s a compliment I will NEVER forget as long as I live!

My Mom came back into the living room and we both laughed about me looking like I was 16. I think it was the glasses and the mask. I think I look younger in medical situations! I told her about the cherries on my underwear incident so I must look younger than I am obviously.

She said that my wounds look good but she opted to retape my right leg because it is looking angry on the edges. Sonya will be here on Friday to change them:

I remember that I laughed the night before we went to see Jen in the infectious disease clinic because I thought that it looked like I was wearing legwarmers! I was trying to come up with a good 80s song to sing but I couldn’t.

Amazing OR “Pretty Feet”

Sonya, my head wound care nurse came back today and when she looked at my right foot, she said it was amazing! When I heard her say that, this song popped into my head so I guess that I am seriously turning a corner because my right foot does not hurt as badly and I can think about songs:

She told me that she wraps a lot of feet! But then she added, that not all feet are pretty like mine. I was shocked when she said that and I laughed. She told me that she has seen a lot of feet and a lot of them are dirty and she said that nine ‘clean’ and ‘dainty’ and that I have ‘pretty feet.’

The Struggle is SO Real Now…

I woke up this morning in pain with tears stinging my eyes. I called my Mom to get me out of bed. It’s like that now. She says that I help but I am not sure how much anymore. In 21 years, I can’t get used to waking up in tears but with these feet that seems to be an every day thing.

Tears breached the corners of my eyes before I was out of bed. Now, I am sitting in my wheelchair with my blurry bandaged feet outstretched. I haven’t put my contacts in yet. I have an appointment on Thursday with the optometrist. I think my prescription has gotten a lot worse because I can’t really see even with my contacts in and my glasses with my prism.

I took a pain pill and I am listening to my rosaries on my phone as I drink my breakfast and take my vitamins. I really feel that the struggle is SO real now…

A Late Night Sing-Along

After I told my Mom about my random memory of Mr. Dean’s wedding song, she started humming a song and I knew that I recognized it but I could not place it. After some discussion, we found out what song it was. I was thinking of it like this:

But she was thinking of it like this:

But the words were the same so we were singing the same thing but it’s so sad to me that I no longer can hold a tune like I used to be able to but my Mom didn’t care how it sounded. It was just fun to sing along with her and our late night sing-along!

Rando Tune #20

I just referenced this song to Sean yesterday and I have not stopped thinking about it since then. I gave him a little context:

I was so shocked that this song came out just at the time I found out that I was pregnant with Sean. I had a completely different life back then! I guess that’s why I’ve been thinking about this song all day!!!:

#MyGirlL: “My Sweet Girl” OR Adorable

So, I went to the optometrist on Thursday and I got not good news and all but I guess it’s really not surprising. I sat in my wheelchair with my eyes still kind of dilated but I could post on my blog because I use voice to text capability’s ty on my phone. So, I got the good news! I kind of wanted to laugh off my “Poor” eyes but I really thought I would beat MS but obviously, I am NOT so I Sam sad thinking about that.

My Mom was in the kitchen and she came into the living room to see if I need to know anything. I still had my sunglasses on and I looked at her and my Lips started to quiver.

She looked at me and put her arms out to envelop me in a tight hug. she could feel my chin quivering against her shoulder and she commented and the tears kept coming!

Then I felt two little paws on my left arm. #MyGirlL wanted to get in on hour hug so I left my laptop up to put it over her back and she nuzzled her Little head on my side. She is absolutely my sweet girl! It is so adorable that she hugs us and I think she likes me too! I KNOW that I love her!

I am still trying to deal with that news from the optometrist and I am seeing the ophthalmologist in October. I am experiencing so many losses in this 21st year but I guess it’s been a slow shipping away that that I am just nowadays zrealizing.

These Eyes

My optometrist appointment was last Thursday. I think it has taken until today, right now, to fully sink in. That horrible doctor was correct! I think I’m a long way from being blind but Dr. Harris did not change my prescription because he wants me to be able to see up close and if he strengthens my prescription, I would lose my nearsighted ability. He says that that is better in my situation then seeing far away.

I think that he is correct and as I was wiping the tears from my eyes with my left sleeve, because it is quite difficult not to be able to see clearly even with contacts or glasses. I thought of this song and I saw myself and either my cousin, Melissa, my cousinT, Shannon, or my friend, Heather growing up In the backseat of my Mom’s station wagon singing along with this song.

I just searched it on YouTube and had to listen to it just before I wrote this blog post and I still remember the words and I could see myself in the backseat of that station wagon, singing!

Rando Tune #22

I think that it is a good sign that random songs pop into my head now that my feet are starting to feel better. Granted, they are just starting but it’s movement in the right direction. I just thought of this song and I am reminded of being in middle school at the parking lot across from Fr. Yagley Hall decorating cars for the homecoming parade! I think my brother was playing in the game because I was still maybe 11 or 12? And I remember my friend, Erica, singing this song as we were decorating cars before the parade endgame down the street on a crisp fall afternoon:

ALWAYS Compromised Skin

The scars that came from my pressure sores are starting to get better! My right foot is just about healed. And it is pink new skin and it is very tender and it woke me up this morning!

With this whole pressure sore saga, I do not wake up rested, but rather, I wake up first because my feet hurt. I was told a long time ago that once a pressure sore heals, the skin that grows in is always compromised! This makes me nervous for my care in the future! How much do we have to pay attention to my feet from here on out? All I know is that right now, four months later, it’s still wakes me up in pain!!!


Sonya, the wound care nurse came over today and she said that my right foot looks, “Excellent!” It is doing a lot better and still hurts because it is new skin.

She measured both wounds on my feet and took my blood pressure. Because they are getting better, my blood pressure is closer to normal. My blood pressure is normally 90/50. In these past few months, each time she comes over, it’s around 116/72.

Today, my blood pressure was 96/60. That made me feel better knowing that it’s closer to my “Normal” but I really wish these feet would stop hurting by now!!!