Happiness for Beginners

My Mom suggested this movie yesterday and we watched it and I thought it was hilarious!

Today, I had my solo encore presentation just to get whatever I missed yesterday and to continue to laugh at all of their banter! Hugh was my fave!!!

I think I may make it a triple play because I think there are things that I was still missing. I will watch it without my contacts on on my phone. Optic Neuritis is not like what’s going on with Jake but I think it’s a bit close. May be a little too close for comfort…

The progression of my Optic Neuritis, although it started when I was pregnant in my right eye and my left eye joined the optic neuritis party when Sean was maybe 10? He’s 21 now so it has progressed but I get the gist of everything I see so it’s okay I think…

Besides, I love this song!:

Rando Tune #49

I was scrolling through my phone last night, and I saw a short of Mariah Carey singing “My All.” Of course I had to click on it, and then I stopped halfway through because it was a live video and it wasn’t that great of a performance so I decided to wait until I got into bed so I could give it justice as I listened!

I was a Sophomore in high school again, and I liked thinking about that! I still know all of the words, but I no longer can sing them. I’ll just put the video here:

But my Hat Arrived Yesterday?!

My Mom sent me a very cute picture of Leia last summer of her walking with a 3 foot stick in her mouth. My Mom let her walk with it for a little while before taking it from her mouth. I was searching for it today, but in light of the fact that I cold right now and I received my first winter hat arrived yesterday. What’s the point in sharing that picture?! I will just share it next year or whenever I find it!

This Smells Weird!!!

I am 100% into my Fall flavors. I need to use my Spring/Summer flavored box until October 1! But let me tell you, this smells weird!:

currently, I am using my Spring/Summer box because my current fall box, which I won’t start until October 1 is on the verge of finishing the tubes:

I am using my Spring/Summer box, so I had a place to put the Pomegranate. I am using right now. I am left-handed so I use my left hand to open the box. I smell Strawberry Sorbet first, but then I can immediately smell all of my Fallflavors, even though they are still sealed It just smells weird! It will for the next month!

Who really needs to think this closely about chapstick?! But I live a very small life and there’s nothing else to do! I don’t leave the house until September 20.


As I was pillaging today, I got this over whelming feeling of gratitude!

I was beyond grateful for the fact that my Mom is helping me pay for my vitamins, because they are making me feel so much better when in reality, I am feeling so much worse!

Since going back to my naturopath, I really feel better!!! My Mom is the one who called and made the appointment! I am so grateful! Nothing with this disease is easy at all, but I really feel that I have carved out a good plan that works for me! It’s NOT easy AT ALL and it hurts but I think I figured it out and I’m grateful for that!!!

One of these Things is NOT Like the Other

Today was the day to finally start my new Fall flavor package:

I am using my spring/summer box until my Fall flavor box gets used up. Let me ‘splain ya:

My Fall flavored box won’t come out until October 1 when I start watching Hocus Pocus! I am in the middle of finishing my chapstick from last fall., So, I put my four pack of Fall flavors in my spring box because the only chapstick I have left in there is one Strawberry Sorbet that I only use on Saturdays. I didn’t really like it but I’m not going to waste it so that’s taking a little time to get used up!

This box, which is my Fall flavor box will not come out until October 1. I have an extra tube of Salted Caramel, which I really don’t like but it came with my Christmas flavors so I have to use that up as well.

I will only use the Pomegranate flavor until October 1. The rest are sealed until my Fall flavors really come out! In the meantime, one of these things are not like the other!:


This whole thing has taken me a couple days to get my thoughts together in order to write about them. But after my scheduled appointment with the specialist, a phone call from my medical supply company, and then my mom needed to speak with them, it’s all handled. Let me ‘splain ya:

So me and my Mom started noticing that I was having problems with some of my medical supplies. We thought about it for a little bit and then I messaged my PCP for her input on what was going on with me. The next morning I received the number that I needed to call. I had already written about the day. I spoke with Kiara and I was able to get an appointment three weeks from the day I called to make the appointment.

I was prepared to have an appointment six months out because that’s how it works. All the doctors I need to see, are specialists and it is extremely difficult to get in to see them.

We went to see that doctor last Friday, I explained to my Mom what was going to happen because I have had MS for so long, and I have been in this hospital system for equally as long! There was a problem after I signed in, so we had to wait to see the doctor, but we saw him.

I was not nervous at all and I just told him what I needed and he did that. Actually, he said that the nurse would do that after we left. My Mom called my medical supply company on Monday to see if my prescription was amended. They told my Mom that their nurse would be calling her back.

I need to first explain that how things are going now and it is very new to me! But I will explain it by what happened on Tuesday afternoon. My Mom had gone to her house to do some work and I was sleeping. I was going to call her when I woke up. Waking up for me now is a ‘stutter start.’ I had kind of awakened, but I still felt groggy so I put on an audio rosary to either fall back asleep, or wake up. As I was listening to the rosary, my phone started buzzing.

I picked up my phone as it was buzzing and looked at the display. It’s said, ‘J&B Medical Supply.’ That is my medical supply company. I think they have been my medical supply company for about a decade. How I was feeling, I could not even form any words in my mouth because I was not awake yet. I just let my phone buzz.

I actually let my rosary finish before I sat up in my bed, and I texted my Mom. After a little while, I thought to call her in case she missed the text. She answered, and said that she was on the phone with J &B.

There is no longer is any ‘Espace’ between me and my Mom and she answered all of the medical questions they needed because she knows it all even though we weren’t even in the same room! We talked when she got back to my house and we both agreed that I have been on this ride for a long time and after all that, it is handled.