On the Cusp of Getting Canadian Crutches

Sean texted me this last evening but I was still wearing my contacts so I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch it until later:

I almost forgot about it but then, when I watched it, I gasped and I loved it in response to Sean’s text:

(I could not embed tot here, but click on the link to see it)


My Mom was laying down, and when she awoke, I explained the language and told her to watch the video! She could not understand why the guy who’s concert it was was drowning out the Wiggles. I told her that if Sean saw the Wiggles I like that, he would sing just as loud as that guy was!

I was singing the Wiggles song in my head as I was getting into bed last night and I’m still thinking about it today because we talked to Sean about it and I really like that I was put back in a place that was probably three years after my diagnosis and I was just on the cusp of getting Canadian crutches. We were still living with my Parents then.

I Can’t Sing Anymore Anyway…

I was the absentmindedly scrolling through YouTube and I saw this video which made me think about the fact that people have told me that I sing like LeAnn Rimes! Well, I never liked that because I didn’t really like her voice but I can’t sing anymore anyway, so I guess it doesn’t matter:

I didn’t like this rendition either because she sings falsetto, and I never sang that way so I will put the version of the single that I bought from Musicland Maybe it was Sam Goode by then?

“It Got so Cold so Fast!”

I’ve worn my hat all day long as I am sitting in my living room, I was reminded of the specific moment when Windy is getting into the tent for the night with Helen and Helen says as Windy is zipping up the tent, “It got so cold so fast!” That is how I feel right now because that is what happened!!! I’m not from California like Windy, but almost 23 years of having MS the sentiment is the same…

A B+

Today is Saturday and that is my Pillage day:

I discovered today, that all of this red tape that we are dealing with has taken it’s toll on me! I forgot to take my lunchtime vitamins yesterday! What?! I have NEVER forgotten to take my vitamins! Or, at least, when I do, I take it at night before I go to bed. I shake the individual day’s vitamins to see if there’s anything in it but I guess I didn’t do that last night.

We have been on the phone for two weeks regarding all of the stuff! But I have a wheelchair coming. I should have gotten a new chair on July 18 but I did not. I am beyond frustrated. But Monday thinks might be different…

Discovering that I forgot to take my vitamins yesterday kind of reminded me when I got a B+ in grad school. That was absolutely devastating to me!!! That was the first time I had gotten a B+ my ENTIRE time at the University of Michigan-Dearborn!!!

The only solace I got from that B+ was the fact that I got an A+ in a class the semester before, so I rationalized it to myself that if I average it out, it’s an A-, NOT a B+!!! Not that that matters at all in the grand scheme of things!!!

Only Complicated for a Little While!!!

I asked my Mom for a snack sized Ziploc bag yesterday and she asked me how many I am going to ask for and I told her, “Just one more.” I told her that it’s only going to be complicated for a little while!

I am in the middle of the complicated ‘changing of the guard,’ but I do not need to leave my house until October 18. That’s my next haircut. I reserved the day after for my Mom and I to the Cider mill.

Let me ‘splain ya:

I started my fall flavors on October 1. This is how it is complicated.

What is normally my Spring flavored box looks like this:

The only reason my Spring box looks like this is because I left my house on Monday. I used my Chai Chapstick and I was not able to fully pull it out, and Friday, I’m sure I will have five Ziploc ‘bags of chapstick!’ But this is all only complicated for a little while!

I am just going to use my ‘’bags of chapstick until the remnant of the Chapstick is gone, and I think that will be BEFORE we go to the Cider mill this year!


I had to leave my house today because my signature was needed and some bank documents. It took us over an hour at the bank.

Needless to say, I am spent. Beyond spent! I cannot even watch Hocus Pocus. today at all. I took my contacts out as soon as I got into my house, because of my eyes were aching so much!!!