Back When I Thought that he’d end up More of a Success than he Actually Was…

I shared, I have been sharing that Sheryl Crow song because that’s my jam! I recently looked through her catalog I saw a song where she did that duet with Kid Rock. I forgot about that song! But then that got me thinking.

I wrote my senior thesis to this album, and I don’t even remember what my senior thesis was about:

I do not want to listen to this album again, but it reminds me of a different time in my life. So I was thinking and I found this video and I was in high school back when the MTV video music awards were something big I thought he was so cool!:

that really seems like a lifetime ago…


So, I am a little bit startled at my disease progression at this point. Probably more than a little bit, but I am already starting to make further accommodations. For example:

I no longer possess hand strength and control enough to apply chapstick in the normal way. I cannot put the cap back on when it is too exposed on the tube. So this is what I do so I can close it now without denting the exposed chapstick. I miss the feeling of the Chapstick conforming to my lips but now I can’t do that anymore because I keep it mostly in the tube now. At least it’s neat, I guess?

Rando Tune #54

So I have been listening to a lot of Sheryl Crow! Specifically this song:

I have to listen to it on Apple Music because if I listen to it on my blog, it cuts out. A few nights ago, I was looking through the queue of Sheryl Crow songs, and I saw this one, and I had almost forgotten about it. Well, I think I forgot about it until I saw it! If I recall correctly, I was working at dfcu financial when this song came out and I was still an undergrad. Sean was alive, but I was still living with my Parents. I didn’t even have my bachelors degree yet!:

I forgot that they dated for a while until I saw this video! I just saw it for the first time today.

I Roont It!!!

So, I had previously made the executive decision to change my to Vanilla Bean chapstick when I went to my dermatology appointment but, it felt so nice putting my Cocoa Mint on my lips and I like the taste so much that I thought I would try it out. I would just cautiously put my ‘bag-o-chapstick’ in the pocket where I put my phone on my chest.


I roont it!!!:

I saw that it was roont when we were leaving my appointment, but I still used it carefully because my lips were a little bit chapped. There is chapstick all over the inside of the back, and I just threw it out.

Once I was home, I opened my Vanilla Bean Chapstick and I learned something. If I just raise it a little bit, I can put chapstick on and then twist the plunger back into the tube. It’s a little premature to use Vanilla Bean chapstick but that’s what I’m doing I guess.

NOT a Bust…

So, my dermatology appointment had to be be rescheduled for April 26. That’s really good because I had a dentist appointment in February and an internist appointment in March.

It’s rainy and it’s cold, but today was not a bust because parking was free and in addition, we got a deep dish pizza from Little Caesars! I still can eat that!

Next week, I have a bone density scan. I guess I am taking this Chronic illness Care I will never forget the morning of October 28, 2023 and two months to the day before my 23rd anniversary of having MS, both of my hips felt like they were burning.

How it feels when my knee pops out of its Sacket. The first appointment available I could get was in February. On my brother’s birthday! It’s my brother Jimmy’s birthday! We are also getting our teeth cleaned on my brother Steve’s birthday!

The Eve of “Go-Time”

My Mom picked up the van tonight and tomorrow is “go”Go Time” because I have an appointment tomorrow. It’s a dermatology appointment. I think I’m really starting to get the hang of this whole, “Chronic illness Care” thing!

I never would have thought that my life would be like this, but it is now. I’m OK with that I think. At least, that’s what I tell myself…?

But, What’s the Matter with That?!

I have to post a bunch of songs I heard a while back so I can talk about the song I heard yesterday:

I mindlessly play Solitaire or 3D Tile Match on my phone constantly! Usually, it’s when my Mom is resting, and I have taken my contacts day. my eyes get tired of having my contacts in so I’ve rest them after I watch a movie with my Mom.

All of this mindless busy work games that I play that really is just helping my hand-eye coordination because that is drastically changing a little bit too quickly for my comfort!

I have been listening to, Sheryl Crow No one Said it would be Easy a lot this month, and I also have been listening to Ne-Yo Miss Independent.

After Sheryl Crow is finished, other songs will randomly play. My Mom has always said that I like, “Wah, wah cry-cry music.” Hearing what songs came on after songs that I purposely play I think it’s kind of true:

The first two songs, I was in school and this last one I was already a teacher, but I guess it’s kind of true. Then I heard these songs last night:

So, last night just before I was about to brush my teeth, I played Sheryl Crow again, but these two gems came on:

I heard the opening bars of that song, and I said to my Mom, “WE have to wait a moment because I NEED to hear this song!”

So, I guess that I listen to ‘wah wah cry-cry music,’ but what’s the matter with that?!

BEFORE Valentine’s Day?!

So, this happened today:

This startled me a little bit because I thought I had more chapstick in the tube than I actually do. I usually use this entire tube for the entire month of January and halfway through February. I usually finish the tube just before Valentine’s Day but this year, BEFORE Valentine’s Day?! Maybe it will be even before February?!

I need to do some thinking about this because I need to leave the house on Friday for a dermatology appointment (I have a new mole) I don’t know that I will finish this ‘bag-o-chapstick’ by then, so I think I will just use Vanilla Bean when I leave the house just for that one day.

Uneven Chapstick

My Mom and I have been reading about chapstick, and the fact that I might be addicted. I just laugh about it! I’m trying to find concrete evidence as to why I put on chapstick so much, but I also read that people just like to feel the softness on their lips. I think that’s what’s going on with me!

My body hurts all of the time, so I apply chapstick, and then I can rub my lips together for a little bit of solace, I think. But I have been noticing a new development with my chapstick in the past couple of weeks.

I have written before about the fact that my hands are just ‘for show’ now. It’s getting so difficult to control my hands at all! I was having difficulty putting the cap back on my chapstick after applying it. So what was happening is that I would miss putting the chapstick cap directly on the chapstick, so I was denting chapstick.

To avoid applying uneven chapstick on my lips, I have opted to rotate the chapstick all the way down into the tube before I put the cap back on. Because I no longer have hand-eye coordination, and I kind of don’t like spreading uneven chapstick on my lips! I’ve only been doing it for a couple days and that seems to be working. I think I have only a little over a third of chapstick in the tube for Mint Cocoa. The next one will be Vanilla Bean.

Tomorrow I have a virtual appointment with my Speech Pathologist. I’m interested to see what she says about my speech and the fact that I no longer watch football anymore. She has kept me on her caseload because MS is progressive. I’m trying to remember when I was released from speech services last year, but I had to wait until this year so I my appointment count can start over.

Gutter Mouth

I discovered my first canker sore on January 12. We treated it and it went away. We have already spoken to our dentist and my naturopath.

Well, guess who discovered another canker sore today! It’s me! I am officially a Gutter-mouth! I actually tried to take a picture of it. It’s in the center of my lower lip. I was able to get a picture and I texted it to my Mom.

My Mom was actually napping but I woke her up so we could put medicine on it so it stopped burning. It didn’t hurt again when she applied it to my lip. I don’t think that I like this new development.!!!