I think Sean may have been in 11th or 12th grade in high school and I think we had both just gotten off the phone we had met in the small hallway between his room and the bathroom. I’m not sure if I was saying something in my conversation but Sean told me that it was a ‘good move’ for me to get specific ornaments every year.
I was shocked to hear that from my 17-year-old son! I looked at him and I said that I knew what I was doing, but I didn’t know that he noticed what I was doing.
But here is the newest development and #MSsucksSoBADLY!!!
My Mom took this picture today, January 10:
That’s how far I got with my Christmas tree decorating this year! I didn’t even put my star on and I still can’t find my tree skirt!
I can no longer Christmas tree decorate anymore. Even when I bought my tree in 2005, I was on Canadian crutches, so my Mom helped me tremendously in our first apartment! She is an old girl, but I love how good my tree STILL looks!
I told my Mom that I missed my Christmas ornaments and we were going to put some on the tree this year but we never got around to it. Those two boxes hold all of my very specific and special ornaments. Leia snatched my Mom’s piece of pizza off of the table and she did it so quickly that it made me a little bit nervous that she was going to to get some of my ornaments. and I’ve said from the get-go that if she does that, I will have to hate her, and I really don’t want to do that!
This was the last time I put ornaments on my tree, but I didn’t even put the star on that year, I think that Sean was a Senior here because we were dressed up because we went to the Dearborn Inn for dinner:
Even without the star, my tree looks so much better in this picture than it does right now, but my Mom is going to put it away probably tomorrow. as for the tree decorating because Leia is getting older, maybe next year…
I told my Mom that I like to have my Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving and then to have it taken down the Monday after the Epiphany. It was last Sunday. Maybe next year…