Well, it looks like we need to do that third preventative for my urinary tract health. I just got the lab work back today. But I am most startled by the heat right now. STILL?! It hot as hell!!! I say that only because in the heat, my body cannot function at all!!! I sat here at 92° and did not move. Even though I am sitting in air-conditioning, my body can feel the heat outside because I need new windows. I drank my lunch. I really don’t think that I can afford to drink my lunch, but it was too hot so I cannot force myself to eat food.
Author: Jen Rios
I am still drinking the cinnamon-y mouthful of dirt every morning and I have just added the silver to my morning Yeti of water. Tomorrow. We are slated to start yet another preventative. At least that’s what we’re saying right now. Maybe it won’t happen tomorrow because I’m tired today and this heat is insane!!! I can’t believe this?! STILL?!!!!
Thank You!?!
I pillaged today and it still took four rosaries. I think I’m just getting slower and the fact that I have more pills to distribute adds to the length I think. I have been breathing easier the past few days and I thought Fall was coming, but then today happened. And this 85° is insane!!! But I received a package probably in the beginning of July before I was unable to function. I asked two people who I thought sent it but they said that they didn’t, but wish they did.
My Mom took a picture of me right when we received it. So message me so I can thank you properly!:
So, I went to see Dr. Clark in July and he changed the dosage of a couple of my supplements and he added colloidal silver. Yana told me before we left that we can get it next month because she knows that both me and my Mom are on fixed income.
“Go time” for me this month consisted of me being Wade from Kim Possible! but my Mom was able to pick it up Yesterday:
I didn’t know what kind my Mom got from Zerbo’s, but this was the actual bottle that Yanna gave Dr. Clark to test on my body. I was tested for 25 drops a day. He told me just to add to my water. I drink about one and a half to two Yeti’s of water a day and my Mom put it in my water this morning.
I felt my eyes get really big the first sip I took this morning after taking my morning vitamins, started my shake, and took Goli. It didn’t taste any differently but once I swallowed it, I looked at my Mom and told her that it tastes “Lighter.”
I don’t know how else to explain it, but it feels different on my teeth. Different in a good way I think! Well, I will have more tomorrow, and for the rest of my life, it seems so I’ll have a lot of time to ponder it
NEVER Thought
Today was ‘go time,’ but it was different. I was not leaving the house at all but my chair did so that’s why we needed the van rental. My Mom took my chair out to Troy today and it’s probably going to take three weeks to order the part. it’s very helpful that my Mom records technicians when they are explaining so I can hear them in the recording when she gets back home. I understood what he was talking about as well.
She picked up my ibuprofen prescription from Meijer and she is at Zerbo’s getting supplements. My orders start coming in tomorrow. Amazon is going to be in two deliveries as well as Target. I seriously NEVER thought that my life would be like this in 1 million years!!! But it is! ‘Startling’ is STILL the word I prefer to use.
A Switch-A-Roo
Tomorrow is supposed to be “Go Time,” but I have made the executive to do a switch-a-too instead and this is what I mean:
I have already written about Saturday night smelling hydraulic fluid when I was transferring back into my chair. I had my Mom call NSM on Monday and she was able to get an appointment for Wednesday. Wednesday, I had rented a van to get my haircut, but I’m just going to let my hair grow (the curls will come out now) and my Mom will drive just my chair to get serviced. I will be in my manual chair in the meantime.
I tore my meniscus eight years ago, so I don’t think it’s going to hurt that badly as I am waiting to get back into my power chair. After my Mom comes back here to switch me back to my power chair, she wi then go to Zerbo’s before she takes the van back.
Tonight, I was telling Sean about it and I told him that I will be the guy on Kim Possible! We started to laugh, and I had to look it up, because neither one of us could remember his name. He was like six at the time. I looked it up and his name is Wade:
I laughed when I found out his name! But my Mom sent me pictures that she took last night of the hydraulic fluid leaking. I will enclose two pictures here. I hope it gets fixed!!!:
I am reclined in the chair in this picture, and my Mom crawled beneath my chair and could see the leak. And then she took better picture:
“Let the Curls Come Out”
OK, here’s the deal. “Go time” is supposed to be on Wednesday. But here’s what happened…:
I think I noticed this in the beginning of blast week, when I was reclining back in my chair to slide back so I am seated in my chair properly. It was creaking a whole lot! I told my mom that it sounds like the tin man. I got this chair in December and my previous chair NEVER creaked like it was creaking this past week. But on Saturday night, I was adjusting my chair a little bit and I smelled something, “Chemically.”
I texted my Mom last night to tell her to to call Ray or Sarah at NSM (National Seating and Mobility) and tell them that I am smelling hydraulic fluid. I then told her that I will forgo my haircut on Wednesday to get my chair looked at. I spent the morning devising the plan as I was praying.
I remember probably in February or March when my hairdresser noticed that I am getting curly hair. She asked me who has the curls and I told her that my Dad did. She also has curly hair and she looked at me and asked if my Mom would blow dry it. I told her that she wouldn’t and then she suggested product. I shook my head at that too. I think it was April when she cut my hair the length that is now. I get my curls cut off every single month. But now I think I’m going to have to just ‘let the curls come out’ and this song is in my head as I say that;
I think I might post a ‘grow out’ picture because usually just before I get my haircut, like now, I feel curls roll up on my head in the morning when I comb my hair. I want to know what it will look like a month overgrown?
Today was the first day that I used my -7.5 contacts. I had been in -7 for the past three years. At my last appointment, I couldn’t see ANYTHING so he raised my prescription. I used up my -7.0 contacts and today I git my -7.5.
I could definitely see a lot clearer as soon as I put them in! However, watching mass today was a little bit tricky. Oh yeah, I do that now because I’m homebound. But I couldn’t see mass as clearly but I think because it was raining on and off today. This weather is terrible! Still!!!
I still hear that doctor all the time telling me that I will go blind before I die but to go up a half step every few years It’s OK by me I guess. My Mom says that she knows of people who have -10 contacts. I got a little ways to go I guess…
“You Have Hands Like Daddy Too!!!”
It’s August. August has been a hard month for me since 2006! But, this heat this summer is making it so much worse!!! I feel the tears so close to the surface because I am so uncomfortable and I have been for a prolonged portion of time. I thought I was noticing age spots on my hands so I sent pictures to my brothers to ask if they think that what it was and my brother Steve sent me this:
Seeing his hand completely startled me! So I texted him this:
My text to him said, “You have hands like Daddy too! And once I finished sending both texts, the tears just flowed freely! But he does have hands like my Daddy! ALL of my brothers do!
Back to School
I think that Sean was in fifth or sixth grade when we were ‘back to school’ shopping and I looked at him and told him that back to school is my favorite time of year, and it will be for the rest of my life!!!
I also remember that year that I had him bring his school list and I had a yellow highlighter to highlight everything we got. I remember a man looked at me and said that that was a really good idea! I told that I was a teacher. I also told him that I usually get two of everything because in January, he’s going to need new supplies!
I remember feeling so helpful back then in this instance. Let’s fast forward to now where I am homebound and stopped working eight years ago. When I woke today, I was cleaning out my emails and I saw a back-to-school Target email. I have seen Kohl’s back to school and a bunch of others. I just delete them. That part is sad but teaching is not part of my life anymore. My certificate expired a few years back anyway.
So, this afternoon, when I was deleting my emails, Back to School shopping was just a passing thought. I remembered that used to love it but the things are different now! I seriously used to think about throwing my manual wheelchair in the trunk of my car before getting into the disabled parking spot at my work when I was 65! It’s crazy that I had to stop at 35 because #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒 Things are so different for me now…