
So, yesterday, my Mom and I watched The Intern. My Mom told me about it and I remembered that I thought it sounded interesting when it first came out and I wanted to see it, so we watched it yesterday.

It is my custom now to watch movies two days in a row. The first time I see a movie I tend to miss a lot of things because my vision is not as as I would like it. That just comes with the territory now, after having MS for 23 years, and my Mom is not adversed to watching movies over and over again. That’s where I get it from!

During my second viewing, I noticed this?!:

The second time looking at him, he looked familiar, extremely familiar!!! I had to rack my brain a little bit but then I recognized him. He was in The Fault in our Stars, but that is not what I was thinking about! I looked him up when I thought that it was him back then. He IS who I thought he was!!! He is Nat from The Naked Brothers Band!!!

I am not ashamed to say at all that their album played in my car on loop for months! That was back when we lived in our second department Sean and I would watch The Naked Brothers Band all the time! It was on Nickelodeon and this was my favorite song:

My Mom could NOT believe that I listened to this song because he says ‘Aventually’ not ‘Eventually’ She couldn’t believe that because I was an English teacher! I told her it was ‘artistic freedom’ and it was fine.

This was them back in 2007 when we were still living at our second apartment: