More than Surprised by Myself?!

So, it was Friday when I realized that my birthday is on Tuesday. This is most surprising to me, because I always make a big deal my birthdays!

Thinking about this, I am more than surprised at myself. What is going on?! I think there are two things happening at the same time. I never really thought about this, but it is really affecting me! My aunt Rita was 42 when she died and I will be 42 on Tuesday. That’s just crazy to wrap my mind around!!!

But I also have been saying the last few days that 23 years of MS ain’t no joke!!! Because it’s not! I think it’s stopped being just a ‘mean’ disease at about Year 20 and now it is just a ‘mother b*tch!’ That is the swearword I heard from two men yelling at with dented cars because they had just gotten into an accident. They were still trying to master the English language at that point. I was just a kid and I thought it sounded funny but now, after having MS for 23 years, that’s a GREAT explanation of how I feel!