Just in Time

My Target order arrived a couple days ago and it looks like it’s just in time! This happened yesterday:

I say that it’s just in time because I won’t leave my house again until March 20 for my next haircut. Once I finish this tube of chapstick, I will fish out my pomegranate bag-o-chapstick that is in the box. I keep the remote in in my front room. Cucumber mint also arrived from my Target order so I will just be using pomegranate until I begin my spring/summer chapstick.

But seeing that it is so freezing cold right now (I’m so glad I missed that bullet!!) and I’m glad I am home until March 20 and hopefully it’ll be a little warmer then.

I keep the space heater by me to stay warm now… my Mom really doesn’t understand that my temperature gauge is broken. I am always cold except in the summer when I melt because I’ve overheated! #MSsucks!!!