And Then the Tears Came.

Yesterday, I was down the YouTube rabbit hole pretty deeply, and I came across this video, and I had to watch it:

I have been a Toby Keith fan since I was serving at Lonestar steakhouse, and Saloon. I always have liked his voice and I was saddened to hear that he had stomach cancer. When I heard that he passed, I was saddened, but I did not cry.

I’ve only cried at two celebrity deaths. The first one is obvious, Beverly, Clary! But I did cry when Sean Connery died as well. I named Sean after him based on that nurse in the hospital who told me that, “Sean Connery is so handsome” when Sean was three days old and did not have a name yet.

I am positive that I will cry at Bono’s death! But I was surprised at that fact, because my Mom and I listened to toby Keith’s Greatest Hits album on loop for months after my Dad died! But then I read this article and then the tears came:

I think that I will seriously think about putting all of my favorite Toby Keith songs and a blog post? Maybe just an Apple Music playlist.