Dismissed Again

I had my third virtual Speech Pathology appointment today. I have been tired after all three of those visits! Today, I asked Meira kind of exasperated as to why I was so tired, and she answered simply with, “Well, you HAVE been talking for 45 minutes!”

She did not break up with me, but she dismissed me again! She told me that I am speaking slower than before when she met me in October 2021, but I am still intelligible. She told me that I can text her whenever I want to for accountability and to get another referral when something changes.

I had texted her about me being diagnosed with osteoporosis the day I read it. I told her that “I have that now so…” and she just laughed and told me when I have changes in my speech. She told me about a woman on Instagram with ALS but I told her that I am not cool enough for Instagram! She wants me to watch the Super Bowl this weekend because she knows that I loved football since I have met her but I’m not so sure about that…