I Roont It!!!

So, I had previously made the executive decision to change my to Vanilla Bean chapstick when I went to my dermatology appointment but, it felt so nice putting my Cocoa Mint on my lips and I like the taste so much that I thought I would try it out. I would just cautiously put my ‘bag-o-chapstick’ in the pocket where I put my phone on my chest.


I roont it!!!:

I saw that it was roont when we were leaving my appointment, but I still used it carefully because my lips were a little bit chapped. There is chapstick all over the inside of the back, and I just threw it out.

Once I was home, I opened my Vanilla Bean Chapstick and I learned something. If I just raise it a little bit, I can put chapstick on and then twist the plunger back into the tube. It’s a little premature to use Vanilla Bean chapstick but that’s what I’m doing I guess.