Pillage with New Developments

I Pillaged today like I do every Saturday but time between pillaging seems to be getting shorter.

I fill my pill box so I can take my pills three times a day. But I can’t believe that it’s already time to do it again!

At this point, I take 20 pills a day. Each time I am filling my pill box, I think back to the time where I had that evaluation to prove that I’m disabled. I had no idea why they were having me stick those quarters on that little tissue but they did. It seems like that’s what I do when I feel my pill box.

I stacked those quarters slowly at that appointment, and likewise, I fill my pillbox, just as slowly. But there are some new developments, Just like I no longer can take the plastic off of a box of gum, I cannot the plastic off of the pill bottle when I first open it. My Mom does that for me now. At this point I can still get the foil off by just shoving my index finger into the bottle so then I can peel the foil soff slowly.