My Optic Neuritis Ridden Eyes

I am aware, but can’t believe it! I have known since December 28, 2000 that MS is a progressive and debilitating disease. Things are starting to catch up with me now! I can’t stop hearing that horrible doctor telling me that I have MS, will go blind, and then I will die.

We were too shocked to properly respond at the time, but I think that 22 years is where things start to go sideways because that’s what’s happening with me now.

Tomorrow is October 1! You know what that means?! I think I started doing this in 2018 and I think five years is the limit… at least for me and my optic neuritis, ridden eyes! This one is a tough one for me because I appreciate doing silly and repetitive things, but be sure that I will be watching it tomorrow at least and I will be rocking my fourth Sanderson sister shirt!

I think I will go back to sporadically watching it because my eyes can’t really handle a lot of TV these days. I’ve been listening to a lot more music instead.