My Final Walk-Through for the Year

My brother just took my Mom to pick up the van for our ‘go-time’ this month. I am sitting in my living room in silence going through my final walk-through for the year in my head. I still have scheduled van rentals for October, November, December. I have to keep my short haircut up and. I have to go to a Cidermill in October! Duh?!

Naturopath and haircut tomorrow and a weight and bloodwork on Thursday. I do not have any more scheduled doctors appointment for the year. Now, I know that there could be an emergency at any point, but I really feel like I am getting into ‘cruise control’ mode with this mean disease! I will write more about this after ‘go-time.’

I think that I will call Margaret at Creative Mobility to schedule my appointments for next year. I will know my March date in 2024 because I will need to schedule my next appointment with Dr. Chamas on Thursday.

I had this year scheduled, but not until April because I had to wait for schedules to open up to see my neurologist. I will get a jump on 2024, but I think I have tomorrow set in my head. I never thought that my life would be like this, ONLY this…; but it is. I can schedule appointments and rent vans and I will probably start on Monday for 2024.