A Headache

Last night, after I had dinner and I had just brushed my teeth, I started to get a headache. I NEVER get headaches and my Mom said that. I just told her that I am glad it’s not in my eye, that’s where that usually happens!

It was an ache on the right side of my head, like the crown of my head, and then it slowly went toward the back of my head behind my ear. I only have experienced headaches when I had sugar withdrawal when I first started doing the South Beach Diet.

I got transferred into bed, and once I was situated, I pressed the heel of my right hand to my right eyeball. “Never mind,” I told my Mom. The ache was FULLY inside my right eyeball!

Once I was fully covered, and my room was dark, I started to feel nauseous a little bit. I was a little bit concerned because I remember my brother would get migraines and he would throw up and I really didn’t want to do that. I was neatly tucked into my bed!

Luckily, when I awoke, I found that I did NOT throw up, so it was NOT a migraine. I really never experienced a headache as a normal symptom before, but I am now!