
Last night, just before my Mom was going to get me into my bed, I continued giving her facts about my time in the neurology clinic at Henry Ford. I have spent the weekend piecing together the past 22 years that I’ve had with the Neurology clinic. She was walking into my room and she told me, “You’re really unsettled about this!”

As she walked toward the living room, where I was sitting, I could feel tears stinging my eyes, and I looked at her incredulously! With my eyes bugged out, I said, “Something that is supposed to be seamless and look at this?!”

Today, when my Mom got me up, she told me that Dr. Cerghet’s nurse is named Sarah. I had talked to a woman named Karen a couple years ago. Suzanne was Dr. Elias’s nurse for 16 years so she knew what was going on with me!

I had reviewed with my Mom all of the pertinent information which my Mom pretty much knows! My Mom was able to make it so the virtual appointment I have in August still stands and she will tell Dr. Cerghet what she needs to sign. (the prescription for my new power chair)

When my Mom told me that, I wiped my left hand across my forehead, and said, “Phew!” my Mom looked at me and asked, “Really?! That’s all you have to say?”

I thanked her for handling my business and I told her that I don’t want to be haughty?! And then we both laughed. I am so grateful that everything is working out because I am making sure that it does!!!