“If it Ain’t Broke…” OR “Let the Rain Come Down”

I saw Dr. Clark yesterday and he said that my body is tolerating everything well and I can go to an eight week check up this month. I don’t need to go back there until August 16!

My Mom asked if there was anything more I needed and he said kind of nonchalantly, “If it ain’t broke…” that statement made me smile because I heard that same thing two weeks before from Diane regarding my power chair.

I am exhausted today and I did not even put my contacts in today but I got good news yesterday so I’m going to let that carry me through the weekend I think. June was a success. I ordered my new power chair, and I got a great report at Dr. Clark’s!

In my exhaustion today, I am thinking about the fact that I have a pretty good handle on my MS, NOT that it easy at all!!! Far from it!!! But I know what to expect. I just have to deal with it. And that is a tall order! I actually have been thinking about this Sara Bareilles song and this specific lyric:

I just heard this song because she is getting me through my exhaustion. I know what to expect and I can do this. I can make the schedules and rent the vans. But I want everyone to be clear that this was NOT my first choice at all!!!: