“Better” OR 29 Years!

My Mom told me last night as we were getting ready for bed that I looked like I was feeling better. And today I actually feel better myself, but better is the suggestive term! I have been feeling bad since last Thursday when I had to go and get fitted for a new wheelchair.

The appointment was so early that that’s difficult to come back from and this crazy weather is not making me feel well at all, and I am just a mess!

But I am feeling better today and I actually wore my contacts. Putting my contacts in my eyes has gone through a lot of changes since I was 12. That’s when I started wearing them. But for the last 22 years, I have been dealing with disease progression and loss of control of my hands.

Sean remembers me popping my contacts out of my eyes with my long nails when he was young, but now my nails are cut down to the nubs so I don’t scratch my eyeball! Now, my Mom has to watch me put my contacts into my eye, and because I can’t control my hands that much.

It’s very deliberate where just hold the top of my eyelid open with my right hand use my left hand to pull my lower lid down, and I use my index finger to just move the contact close my eyeball and then it suctions onto it!

I would say in the past few months, I have figured it out. My contacts just pop into my eyes the first try! And when that happens, I just smile and close my eyes while my Mom gets my glasses for me to put on, and I tell her 29 years like I am singing a Kanye West song!: