Back in Black

I had an appointment downtown at RIM to get sized for a new power chair. My appointment time was for 1 o’clock in the afternoon. We were pulling out of the office at 2:35 today. I am exhausted because we had to get up so early this morning!

Diane is the head occupational therapist who gets everything together for my chair. Dave is my wheelchair tech who comes to my house. They have opposite facing desks on opposite walls. My Mom set on the exam table and I sat in my chair.

Christie even stopped by because she was in the building! She was the person to suggest getting a PowerChair and five years later, that was an excellent decision!

Diane knows that this is not our first rodeo in getting a chair from RIM. She refreshed our memories which I appreciated! It was really nice to be sitting in that room between both of them typing away on their computers. Diane would stop to periodically ask Dave some dimension of my chair and he get up and would check it out on my chair.

It was almost to the end of their typing when Diane walked over to me with a ring of swatches. She told me that it’s time for the important question and asked me which color I wanted. My Mom told her that I will pick black because I always pick black!

I went with the glossy black opposed to the matte black finish. Apparently, the sparkly black is only for manual chairs. We talked about the time schedule for me to receive my new chair and we discussed my co-pay. Disability is still for the rich but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be! I should have my new wheels in July or August and I am back in black.