Proud Mama

I was talking with Sean this evening and I asked him about work. Sean has just started his second season with an irrigation company. He also has been plumbing with both of my brothers (and my nephew now) since he was 14.

He was telling me about a job he did today and then he started speaking a different language because I don’t understand any plumbing lingo. Something I learned today after my brother has been plumbing for 25 years, Sean told me that ‘plumb’ is Latin for ‘straight.’ Wait. What?!

He told me that my brother, Ray, told him that and I said that it would not be necessary for my brother to tell me that ever but it’s necessary for him to explain stuff to you as he’s teaching you the trade. He told me that he sent picture to my nephew and my brother. Wait. What?! I told him to send it to me! I asked if I could post it and he hesitated and said, “Sure” and he said that people might call him a hack but then I told him not MY people!!! I have to share my first “Proud Mama” picture!?!

He sent the picture to me and said to let people know that it is his fifth solo soldering job. He explained it to me and I think you should look at the section of the pipe that is next to/just below the blue handle on the right. He told me that he cut the pipe, soldered it, and sanded it a little bit and I told him that it was beautiful and I am proud of him because I am!!!:

My Beeb did that and I am such a proud mama!!! 😍😍😍😍😍