Home Healthcare?

I had a virtual appointment today with my speech pathologist. She told me that I am doing so well! Ben, she dropped the bomb on me!!!

Toward the end of our appointment, she told me that she can no longer justify seeing me on a monthly basis because I am speaking so wonderfully!

I asked her in exasperation, jokingly, “So, you’re breaking up with me?!” She laughed and told me that it’s like with Sarah. I don’t need her right now but because MS is progressive that I can call her whenever I am having a problem with my speech.

Then, she told me that I was the one breaking up with her! She told me that only about 75% of people with my problem do the homework and actually work on it. She said that I have done so well that I can see her every three months. I will call the office tomorrow to set up a June appointment.

Then, she suggested home health care. That is something that I thought I was already doing but I will need to think about this one. And she says that I will not have a problem getting coverage for home health care because basically, I am a homebound power chair user.

That statement was SO hard to hear! I think because it’s true… I have been circling the drain with that for a long time but I will have to go to my optometrist and to see my Neuro ophthalmologist. I am going to seriously think about Neurology.