A Completely Different House

My son texted me this earlier this evening:

I love this text for a few reasons: 1. Of course I remember that song! 2. The subsequent text correction with an * because that’s what I do all of the time! He knows language is very important to me and realizes the trouble I am having communicating now.

So, once I received this text, the first thing I had to do was listen to the song!!!:

I called him once I was done listening to the song. I told him, of course I remember that song! I told him that it is from the second apartment during spring or summer the year that Chase and Zoey kissed on Zoey 101!

Then we started talking about Zoey 101 and Sean told me that the first three seasons are on Netflix and that he thought they were adults when he was a kid but they are children. We laughed and he said that they are going ahead with a Zoey 101 reunion episode of sorts as they are older now and he said that they stopped works on a Ned’s Declassified.

I am completely a ‘boy mom’ and Ned’s Declassified was also a good show that we used to watch when he was young. I appreciate that he understands that I live in my memories now and we can share them together.

But then he told me that his memory of this song is from the computer room at my current house. He told me that it was back before the renovations. He told me that it was a completely different house! I remember that too!