The Speech Teacher

My friend and former colleague came over yesterday to drop off Girl Scout cookies to me because her daughter is a Girl Scout now and of course I had to support her!!!

It has been a long time since I have eaten Thin Mints but I spoke with my Speech Pathologist today and she told me that I should make it easier to chew and swallow by cutting or grinding it up into small pieces and putting it into yogurt or ice cream.

I really liked that idea! I told her that it is Lent now so I will not eat them until April at least. So, hopefully there will be warmer weather.

I was telling my Mom that I was remembering when I was in grade school. I remember that a few students used to leave during class 10 see the speech teacher and I was jealous that looked like fun! She used to give them taffy pieces!

But now things have turned full circle for me now. I will see her again next month and I meet with my nutritionist in March as well. I think that my weight has stabilized and I’m relieved for that. It’s just strange that I’m really not chubby anymore?! There are so many changes and it seems to be call me needing right now!!! 😒😒😒…