Bitter Sweet

I have had so much on my mind and I cannot even begin to sift through it! All of this and the Super Bowl is tomorrow. I have been a huge football fan since Sean started playing when he was seven! This is the first year that I will not be watching because my eyes can’t handle it. HD is too difficult so I have been watching older movies with my mom and my eyes are OK with that.

I saw this tweet earlier today;

I had one answer for this question and it makes me think about everything going on makes it so much more bitter sweet! Here was my obvious answer, duh!!!:

I have been lying to myself telling myself that I can watch the Super Bowl! But, seriously… 22 years is a little bit too long…

I have made this decision just today that my football watching it now in the past. I’m grateful that last year my man got to be on the mountain top and I got to watch that! I have it recorded and maybe one day, I will rewatch it but I think my eyes have had Optic Neuritis in both of them for too long.. #MSsucks!!!