A Punch in the Face!!!

This evening, well, actually this morning, when I was brushing my teeth to get ready for bed, I needed to open a new package of floss picks.

I have been flossing my teeth every morning and night since I turned 30 and my hygienist told me to do so!

I need to set the scene that caused me to get a punch in the face: my hand strength is steadily declining and I have a method to my madness. I buy the Scope Glide floss picks.

I purchase these picks from Target for 5% off but they only come in the 150 pack. That’s too much material for my hands to navigate through so I buy the 75 packages and my Mom just refills them and I change the package when I change the toothbrush head to my electric toothbrush.

And here comes the punch. Right between my eyes!: I folded over the serrated line to pull off the top to open the package of floss picks and I could not. I tried for a long time! I didn’t have enough strength! My Mom walked over with my toothbrush and I looked at her, in what I think it was a pitiful and desperate look but she took the package and pulled the tab off with ease.

And that’s when I began to cry… #MSsucks… 😒😒😒…