
So, I had a Speech Pathology appointment last Wednesday and we worked on tongue twisters. She gave me homework to find difficult tongue twisters and dictate them in a text to her. I found 13 of them and they were really good! I shared one with her on Wednesday after my appointment.

But then the snow came and my Mom made Leia’s track. I was happy to see how happy that makes my Mom but I told her that all of that precipitation that is outside in the form of snow is also inside my body! And that hurts terribly!!!

So, Thursday was kind of a rough day but I was happy to see my Mom so happy. I thought I would just have to re-calibrate myself for the winter to get used to how my body feels with snow on the ground. I went to sleep on Thursday night with the hope that Friday would be better!

My hopes were dashed the moment I opened my eyes. I thought I was going to re-calibrate and feel better but that was definitely NOT the case! Friday, I spent the day groaning because it hurt so badly!!! I couldn’t believe that I spent the entire day in pain as I was trying to drift off to sleep. I thought, it’s, “Worse-er,” and that thought made me laugh!

You know what I was thinking!!!

I have shared that memory of my first night at WMU so many times on my blog and that’s what I thought of last night as I was beginning to drift off to sleep in the early hours of this morning. I saw myself driving (back when I could still drive) down E. Pond Dr. on my way to Wendy’s to get something to eat (back when I could eat normal food)

I was trying to find a radio station but I did not know them in Kalamazoo so I hit the shuffle button on my radio and started to drive. It was just at the bend of the road with the Inter-mural courts on my right when I heard the opening bars of this song and Axl asking me if I knew where I was?: