All Kinds of my Worlds Colliding

I posted this video because I was popped up in my YouTube feed last night and I watched it twice and cried and then I watched it again the next day and I’m not ashamed to say that I cried again:

But I want to explain how my two worlds were colliding…

I was born in 1982 and I have an older brother, Ray, who is 9 1/2 years older than me and my brother, Steve, he’s 7 years older than me and he recently told me about my brother Ray and him falling asleep to the new U2 album when they slept in the basement of my house growing up.

Retrospectively, this is why I absolutely love u2!!! They were falling asleep to the album and so was I sleeping just above them. I have always felt something about Bono’s voice and when he told me that, it all made sense!

Being born in 1982, made me fit perfectly into the 90s grunge era! Therefore, Eddie Vedder’s voice is so Iconic for that era!

Middle school Jenny:

Undergrad Jen:

I have written so extensively about U2’s song, ‘One’, on my blog over the years because it is easily one of my top five!!! Seeing and hearing Eddie Vedder singing my jam was a bit much for me!!!