12.28.22 Endurance OR Real-er

I re-posted my last four posts from my blog that I posted today. It is my anniversary! NOT a good anniversary but a milestone marker just the same.

I spoke with Sean a couple weeks ago about this new anniversary and he began singing Taylor Swift to me. I couldn’t even continue singing and I told him, “Not for this.”

That is a huge thing for me! I would play for him Abba every day for a month before he turn 17 when he got ready for school. But I think regarding me and my disease, I can’t joke or laugh or sing about this anymore.

All I know is that year 21 was extremely difficult!!! I often would tell people that, “Year 21 ain’t no joke!” because it has not been at all! It all started with pressure sores on both of my heels in April that lasted until November and then morphed into a trifecta of MORE difficulty! My speech, my vision, my eating. That I still need some time to work through!

I’m thinking back to the day when I try it out for some year-round swim club at Levagood Park. Mr. Bill was standing by my Mom and he told her that I could swim all day if he asked me! He told her that I had endurance!

This anniversary is hitting me a little harder and I hope to tap into my endurance that I apparently have because I’m pretty sure this year is going to get real-er.