#MyGirlL: A 4th Round

So, Leia has been a sickie for a while now! We are going to change her food for a third time! She was on prescription food for almost a year and we changed it to salmon but but my Mom talked to the vet and we are going to change her over to a different prescription food.

It’s a little bit cheaper than her first prescription food and I am going to say that three is a charm and my girl will get better! But, she needs a fourth round of steroids to let her body calm down because she is absolutely inflamed and it’s awful! Sean is going to pick up the ‘roids tomorrow.

I have been thinking now that she is three, maybe I can put my ornaments back on the tree because she will be on steroids the whole time the tree is up so she’s going to be a little bit listless and won’t bother them. My Mom sent me this picture the other day and it made me miss our beautiful tree:

I think Sean was a senior in this picture and I don’t know why my star is not on the tree but I miss this even though I still can’t find my tree skirt!!!

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