O, Holy Night

This Christmas song will forever remind me of my cousins,Sal and Melinda, and their friend serenaded us one evening when we celebrated Christmas in Texas. The biggest thing that absolutely blew my mind was that we barbecued on Christmas day with my aunt and uncle!

I think it was a couple years ago when someone asked on Twitter our favorite version of the Christmas Carol, O, holy night. I interact with this guy a lot on Twitter because he tweets funny things! He tweeted a survey that gave us four options of a singer but then there was a fifth option, it was, “other,”

So I checked the other box and tweeted this video! He responded with just a, “Wow!” And I agreed in my response because I love this song! I have already listened to it a number of times since Friday!:

The whole reason I am saying this is because I am wearing a shirt I got a few years ago and it says, “Oh Holy Night” So I am going to post this blog post in hopes that you can still get the Jon Secada version of this song by clicking on the link.

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