A Scheduler

I had a scheduled virtual appointment with my speech pathologist today. It was a great session! She said that I am doing a wonderful job with my speech!

Hearing that made me so happy because I am really working on it! I have another appointment scheduled next month with her. I am just a scheduler. I always have been but now, that’s pretty much what I do.

I have been thinking about getting my college transcripts because I do not remember what classes I took and when. When I think about my time in college, it makes me tired because I cannot believe that I did it how I did.

I told my Mom just today about the course schedule being released toward the end of the semester and I used to grab three copies of them! I would pour over the course offerings and it was like a Jenga puzzle. Everything had to fit in and I was on a time schedule! I did not graduate until Sean was three. My favorite picture:

He was eight when I got my masters degree.

I have been thinking about this because I have scheduled a doctor appointment each month since April and I have my ophthalmologist this month and then I have another appointment next month!

I have so many doctors and so much going on with me and my disease progression now having had MS for almost 22 years.. So, things have changed from scheduling college classes to scheduling doctors appointments because my health needs lots of doctors! It’s exhausting but it is good that I am a scheduler…