“Mine Too!”

I went to see the dermatologist on Friday and I had my first ever academic conversation and it startled me! It both startled and pleased to me!

I have written before about wearing my Michigan sweatshirt downtown to my MRIs. I was downtown at the New Center One location to have a follow up with my dermatologist who was following my pressure sores. My sores are closed but still so tender! She had me ask my PCP for a referral to the wound care clinic regarding future sores which is a possibility for me now.

It all started when she opened the door after she knocked. I called to her to come in and as she walked in she saw me sitting in my wheelchair in my Michigan sweatshirt. She said, “That’s my alma mater!” To which I responded by smiling and placing both of my hands on the letters of my sweatshirt and I said, “Mine too!”

She even had a follow up question as she came in. She asked if I have a masters degree which I responded smiling again, ”I do.” She thought that my Mom has done an excellent job with my feet and they are healing beautifully! She told me to have my PCP refer me to the wound care clinic which I did today but I was not able to leave a message so I will call again tomorrow.

Because I am 40 now, I am starting to get skin tags on my neck. That is problematic because I wear a medical device around my neck and it gets caught on the skin tags and it hurts. I have been wearing it for a couple years now. We had a mishap when I was alone so my mom called to get me a medical device that day. I mentioned that to my new PCP and she told me to tell my dermatologist that I was seeing in a week. That was my appointment on Friday!

Dr. Rambatla told me that because it is hurting me because of my medical device around my neck, she is able to remove them. Otherwise, it would be considered cosmetic! I thought that was a little crazy but was glad she was going to take them off. And she came toward me with her tweezers and scissors she asked me what my masters degree is in.

I really haven’t talked about my degrees very much. Everyone who I worked with knew what my degrees were so I didn’t have to talk about it but I appreciated being able to say that to a complete stranger. A complete stranger who is now a kindred spirit because we are fellow alumns!

I think it was last March madness where Sean and I were talking and he said that it must be nice that I always have a team to root for! I smiled and kind of laughed and sad, “It is!” I Thought of that after my appointment. I have such a long road with doctors and MS I’d like to escape that fact for a minute to think about college. My Mom and I were speaking and somehow we talked about the fact that I have a 20 year old son which very much amazed her! I have told you that I look a lot younger in medical situations!