NOT Prepared

My Mom and I had a very productive afternoon today! We first left the house and went to the hospital downtown to the infectious disease clinic. Jen says my feet look wonderful and they are almost healed. Tomorrow, Sonya is coming to take pictures and measure my sores and take my blood pressure and temperature and stuff. We will talk about how long she will continue to come. Jen says that I don’t need to see her unless I get another sore and my Mom told her that we do NOT want to see her!

After my good report, my Mom and I drove to Saint Alphonsus. I had to get my OWN pictures! I rarely drive by there much these days even before the pandemic but I think I will be very saddened when it is gone.

I attended there from kindergarten through 12th grade graduation. It was strange to see it and I sat in the van in the parking lot as my Mom walked around to take pictures and I was flooded with 1 million memories! All ranging from kindergarten and playing ‘What Time is it Mr. Fox?’ under the overhang all the way to Homecoming dances and spirit week my senior year!

It was a very strange feeling and after we went there, because we had a van, we went to Dairy Queen and got ice cream! I rarely leave my house and there will only be a Thin Mint blizzards available during the summer and I HAD TO get one!!!

We also picked up a dozen partially cooked pierogi from Sabina’s because that is something I am still able to eat. As my Mom went to get the food, I sat in the van and looked at the pictures of my old school and I thought of this song and when it started playing on my phone, I started to cry! I was not prepared for all of this emotion at all and it will take me some time to unpack it but this is the song that popped into my head: