My “Butt Sticker”

I knew that 21 of having MS would be difficult and it definitely has been a challenge thus far! I feel that Some of. my abilities are rapidly diminishing. One good thing about the government taking care of me in terms of medical supplies is that they’re really good at it! I took this picture last week as my Mom was trying to find a new place to put all the boxes we have been receiving from the medical supply place:

I am writing about this today because we received another box right now. The package we received today will be a change of dressing on my feet for Friday. My nurse, Sonya, is coming on Friday to change my dressings. My Mom told me that she will wait to change the dressings until after she sees Sonya do it so she will keep my bandages bulky when she changes them on Wednesday.

My Mom let me know that I need to change my “Butt sticker” Today and I started laughing hilariously! Let me explain:

The first thing Sonya did when she got to my house was to check my tailbone for signs of pressure. I did not have any which she said was good. When we went to the infectious disease clinic, Jen gave u these:

So, Jen gave us a whole bunch of these but I figured out that they are available on Amazon so I have to add one more monthly expense for my preventative health care. I know that these pressure sores on my feet hurt so terribly so I will definitely wear this, “Butt sticker” if it can prevent a sore like on my feet on my tailbone I will gladly pay for that added expense!!!