I Couldn’t See It!

Well, today is the day. I thought I had turned a corner a while ago but the pain persists but it’s not like the pain has stopped because it’s still pretty painful but today, The dead skin fell off.

Even though it has been painful to look at all of the pictures my Mom has sent to me, I had to stare at those skin pictures for a long time!!! It looks so disgusting with all that skin that needed to come off but they told us at the dermatologist office, as well as at the ER, NOT to pick!

Oh, I am a picker! I learned from the best! All of my older brothers are pickers and my Dad was too! That’s where we got it from! The sores have been so painful that I can’t even think about picking them! They still are painful but they look a whole lot better without all the peeling skin around it.

My Mom said they would eventually be just pink circles but I didn’t believe her, I couldn’t see it. I told her that today and she said in response, “I could!” It is going to take a lot longer to be totally done but I’m kind of encouraged by this progress but I couldn’t see it before.