A Hint of a Scrape

Yesterday, I wore my strawberry Chapstick. But I think that it will soon be a one-man race because I’m pretty sure that strawberry is going to win because yesterday before I went to bed, as I put my Chapstick on, I felt a hint of a scrape from the plunger on my lips. I think tomorrow will be the last day for strawberry. I knew it was going to win!

Once I am finished with the sweet Mandarin bag of Chapstick, I will go into my new phase of spring/summer flavors:

I have a four pack of cucumber mint already in a different container but I wanted to try strawberry sorbet. If I like it, I will get three more chapsticks to have in the wings for next summer. So then I will just have two flavors. My fall flavors are a lot. I have four of them and three winter flavors.

I have thought about this way too much but it gives me something to focus on.

Not 1, but 2!!!

It was not too long ago when Sean commenting on the fact that I have a, “Bag of Chapstick.” He made fun of me and said that I am so bougie about some things but I have my Chapstick it is a Ziploc bag!

I explained to him that when you get that low on the Chapstick the little plunger will fall out so that’s why I put it in a bag until I finish it. He told me that he did not know that because he has never finished a tube of Chapstick and he usually loses it first.

Well now, hold up just a minute! I may be a little ghetto with my Ziploc bag of Chapstick but let me just clarify that right now it is not one, but two bags of Chapstick!!!:

Rando Tune #7

I thought of this song last night as I was starting to fall asleep and I started singing it in my head and I got all the way to, “ I wish I could scream out loud that I love you! I wish I could say to you don’t go! 😂😂😂

I looked it up and the album was released in 1993! I was 11 years old! I thought about the festival being put together under the overhang at Saint Alphonsus! For all of you who know, you know!

I think it is crazy that I remembered basically all of the words to a song from when I was 11 but don’t ask me to remember my passwords!!!

Rando Tune #6

Okay, let me start off by saying that I have never been a huge Christina Aguilera fan per se. But I got the most random song in my head yesterday and it took a moment for me to figure out what the song was and who sang it.

I was just hearing one line over and over in my head but I was able to retrieve this song and I watched the video for the first time today. I had never seen the video before but seeing in today made me miss my Dad something fierce!!!:


My Mom took my left sock off this morning, well, really this afternoon to wash my feet. She looked at the sore on my heel and just said, “Hm.” That was a very succinct sound that had extremely concerning undertones to it. I immediately got concerned!

She took my right sock off and told me that we should probably see the dermatologist again. It’s starting to look infected.

I called the dermatologist’s office immediately! There were no appointments available where we went the first time but I was able to get in on Monday for downtown. Immediately after I got that appointment, I called the van rental place to see if we could get one for Monday. One was available so it seems that things are working out!

Maybe after this doctor’s appointment my feet will finally stop hurting so much…

Rando Tune #4

I think that I am just thinking of songs to put on my blog to make me feel better because my feet are killing me! And my Mom too! But I haven’t posted a U2 song in a long time and it got me thinking about my first year teaching.

It is the fall of 2005, my first year teaching, and the first time I would administer the MEAP test. I remember making a really cool Road Runner poster that I probably still have in my basement somewhere and I had Word bubbles that said, “MEAP! MEAP!”

That poster didn’t come around until after a few years of administering that test But I clearly remember Mr. Astalos giving me a mixed CD of great songs to to prepare us for the stressful time that was going to come administering the MEAP test.

I am ashamed to say that this was the first time I heard this song what it was and I LOVED it!:

Breathing Room

I was just thinking about this today and this started in our second apartment so Sean was five or six. My mobility was beginning to diminish and it was unbeknownst to me that my disease was progressing. I would ask Sean to retrieve things for me often if I was in a different part of the apartment. So he would get them for me and bring it over.

But here’s the thing about Sean, he is slower than molasses in January when it comes to doing things. I used to tell him when I would ask him for something, I would add the phrase, “With urgency!” I would tell him that but he never did ANYTHING with urgency EVER!

When he was taking too long (which was all the time), I would call to him from the living room or my bedroom wherever I was at in the apartment and he would retrieve whatever from the kitchen or somewhere else. I would say, “You’re killing me, Sean!” (and, yes, I have used the Sandlot reference often with him) but when he would answer from wherever he was at in the apartment, I would say after I told him that he is killing me, I would say, “I’m dead!”

I have often told Sean that it was fun growing up with him because I had him so young. We laugh about it now! So, the issues I’m having with my feet.…

This has been going on since mid April and I tell my Mom all the time that this is killing us because it is!!! She is doing so much extra work but that is to keep my feet from getting terribly infected.

I have not put my contacts in today because we were so late getting ready to get out of bed. I bought two pair of size 1 compression socks that is the size that I wear now. To give both of us some breathing room because we are close to death now, my aunt Lola, my Mom‘s sister ordered us two more pair of compression socks. I am wearing new compression socks right now! My Mom was able to wash two pair last night and they’re hanging to dry so I will have socks to wear tonight when my Mom washes my feet again.

I swear that my feet are so clean but holy Thursday has always been my favorite day of the year as a Catholic! Today, my Mom took pictures of my feet and as she handed me her phone, she told me that it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Because my feet look TERRIBLE right now!!!

My Mom is resting right now before we have dinner and then we will start the night washing. This is really killing me! I am so close to saying that “I am dead”…

Rando Tune #2

This one popped into my head and it’s crazy that you forget songs that meant so much to you and were such a huge part of your life when they came out! Well, I thought of this one and this is one of those songs for me!: