My Retrospective Apology

Sean texted me last night to tell me that a song that I used to play all of the time is trending on TikTok. I listened to this song and he was completely correct that I used to, “Bump it.” And it really got me thinking about the fact that he remembers me playing that all of the time. I texted him back and told him that I’m sorry for him having a front row seat to all of my dramatic heart breaks!:

I can pinpoint the exact season this song came out! We were still living in our second apartment and it was only going to be my third year teaching. It was the summer that we went to Florida to seek medical treatment for me. I remember hearing this song while sitting in the car waiting for Sean and my Mom to come out of wherever they were at in Florida.

This song was definitely before my barrage of heart wrenching Sara Bareilles songs and even before Carly Rae Jepsen but those are songs for a different blog post that I probably will never write! Sean called me today and I gave him my retrospective apology for having him be witness to all of my heart break! It’s only now that he’s older that he realizes that is what it was. I never cried in front of him or anything, the only thing I did was eat lots of Tim Bits and he didn’t mind that so much!