STILL a Solid ‘C’ OR Unacceptable!

This morning I awoke and my left shoulder was aching. I had only moved my chair one time throughout the night and again that was in the early hours of the morning. So, I guess that that the grade I will give my sleep is still a solid ‘C’ Because I am really not liking The heaviness I am feeling in my eyes throughout the day. I’m not sleepy per se but I’m NOT rested. If that makes any sense. It doesn’t make me feel comfortable in addition to the fact that my left shoulder hurt this morning and it has hurt a couple other days.

I have been sleeping in my chair for five days so far, tonight will be my sixth and it’s averaging out to a solid ‘C’ which if I am being honest with myself, is completely unacceptable! This from the woman who got a B+ in grad school in her 20s and still remembers that when I am 40! But I also got an A+ that same semester so really in my transcripts, it counts as an A-. but, in all actuality and with all jokes aside, even though I think it’s unacceptable that I have to sleep in my chair and only getting a lousy ‘C’ for my sleeping performance, The reality is it HAS TO BE acceptable because that’s the way it is now regardless of what I want.