“A Lean 500 Pounds”

On Friday, when we were leaving the doctor’s office and I had just gotten out into the parking lot, I smelled grease from a restaurant. It kind of smelled like fries because it was wafting from Chili’s from across the street. As I was crossing the parking lot, the smell kind of made me sad. It made me sad because I will NEVER eat in a restaurant again! Logistically, it just does not work for me anymore and that saddens me a little bit. The van we rented had a side ramp that was beneath the car. I was hesitant to get into it but it has worked out the most of all the accessible vans that I have been in. It was a quiet ride because the ramp was not jiggling beside me.

We had figured out already that since we had rented a van and I was leaving my house to go to the doctor, we would pick up food to eat. We picked up Sabina‘s because not only do I LOVE pierogi, it also is easy for me to chew. Once my chair was strapped into the van and my Mom got into the driver seat, she told me to call Sean. She told me to tell him our ETA and to find out where he was. I told her that I can tell Sean that I got weighed for the first time in a VERY long time!

So, I called him and we figured out what food we were going to have and my Mom had just pulled out of the spot when I told him that I got weighed today. I have not been weighed in a doctor’s office I since I was 18. I remember that I was in a wheelchair already and I was at the doctor’s and got called back into the exam rooms. It was a male nurse who called me back and he asked me if I could stand up to be weighed. I shook my head and told him, “I can tell you right now that I am 115 pounds. Oh wait, it’s just after Thanksgiving. I am 118 pounds.” We` both laughed and I just didn’t get weighed.

Thinking about that now as I write this, I was weighed four days after I had Sean. I had a neurology appointment and I had already seen Sean that morning, left to go to my appointment, and then I would return to the NICU. I remember the nurse looking at my chart as I stood on the scale and she looked at the scale and back at the chart a couple times and told me that I lost weight. I told her I had just had a baby and she smiled and asked me when. I told her, “Four days ago, he is downstairs in the NICU but I made this appointment six months ago so I had to keep it.” That weight was four days postpartum so it’s not a weight I like to think about very much at all. But then I had to call Sean to tell him how much I weighed now. I told him that I got weighed because the doctor’s office now has a scale that I can ride my chair onto. He asked me how much I weighed and I paused a moment and told him, “Over 500 pounds!” And we both started laughing hysterically!

Yesterday, as I was recovering, I thought about Sean and me laughing when I told him that I was over 500 pounds. The only reason that I am over 500 pounds is because my wheelchair weighs 400! I told him that I can’t even get on my 600 pound life yet! We continued laughing and he told me that, “It’s a lean 500 pounds.” So, as I was getting ready to write this blog post, I thought of a movie I saw a while ago and I saw it with Sean as well. It’s titled, Going in Style, and I was trying to find the video clip that she describes in this interview. I remember thinking of their relationship was so sweet because it reminded me of what Sean‘s relationship with my Dad could have been. I think that that would be a fun relationship to watch because it was tremendously fun for the short time I was able to watch it:

I think I may have to give this movie a rewatch and maybe I can get Sean to watch it again with me. But it was so fun laughing with him when he found out that I’m over 500 pounds! I think it was quite diplomatic of him to qualify the 500 pounds by stating that it was lean’ 500 pounds. Either way, it was funny!!!