A New Sensation

My last blog post was somewhat of a downer! I really don’t like to frame it like that. So instead, I am going to write about a new sensation that I got today. Wouldn’t you know that this new sensation is also in my, “Poop leg.”

This song did not come to mind right away but now it is there. This new sensation has only happened five times today, so far.

So, this is what’s going on now; It has felt like I have had a Charlie horse or an INTENSE cramp behind my knee at the bottom of my thigh. It is painful and it lasts about 15 to 30 seconds. Accompanied with this sensation is my body jerking in reaction to the pain.

I’m grateful that it only happened this afternoon and I wonder when it will come again and how long it will last but you know that this song is playing in my head regardless of how much pain I am in!;