#MyGirlL: My Protecter

Since getting Leia in August 20 20, I really don’t have a large role in her care. I do not take her for walks and I do not feed her. I just pay for her. And I’m OK with that because I have never had a daughter and so I get to buy her pink things! I have grown very fond of her and I wonder what she thinks of me but she does come to my aid all of the time as if she could do something. I just love her. When my Mom is giving her pieces of apple, she will be sitting at the table and she will cut some for herself and she will give Leia pieces as well. When my Mom is finished giving her pieces of apple, she will hold her hands up and say, “All done.”

I am writing about this because a few days ago, my brother, Dave, dropped milk off to my house before he went to work. He came in and he was dressed in his uniform so his gun, belt, and his vest were visible. Leia is afraid of black things. She freaks out when seeing black garbage bags at the edge of the street. So, my brother, Dave was dressed in black and he came into the house and walked toward me and as he leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek, she barked. Twice. It wasn’t until after my brother left that my Mom told me that she was protecting me because my brother was all in black.

That made sense to me. My brother came over again yesterday because my Mom made pot pie so he stopped in before work to get a piece. When I heard him at the door, I made sure to make eye contact with Leia and put my hands up like my Mom does and I told her I was okay as my brother came into the house. I did that so that Leia would not bark at him and she did not. I like thinking about #MyGirlL as my protector.