
I really feel like this was MY OWN personal Super Bowl!! My man won (whom I have loved since 2009 when he entered the league and was playing for Detroit) and I ABSOLUTELY loved the halftime show!!! My Mom, not so much!!! And the only reason my Mom has seen it is because I have watched it three times on my TV and once on my phone!

On Sunday, when Sean and I were watching the game together, he also enjoyed the halftime show because he has been familiar with the music because of me. it wasn’t until Eminem came on when the tears started streaming down my face! (Add they seem to stream down that way each of the four times I have watched the halftime show already). Sean asked me why I was crying and I didn’t look at him but continued watching the show and just said, “I bought the CD and listened to it on loop in my car this summer after I graduated high school. It was before I started college, before I was diagnosed with MS and before I was a Mom. It was simpler times!”

I saw this post on Facebook just after the Super Bowl and it completely resonated with me for so many reasons!!!:

I think that I will queue up the game now for the fifth time on my DVR. Well, not the WHOLE game. I will start with the halftime show and I’ll watch the last 4 minutes of the game and the trophy ceremony. I am pretty sure, almost positive that I will cry again when Eminem performs…