Sort of Brown

I feel that I am having somewhat of an, “MS-y” day! I have been working with my speech pathologist and what we have started doing is to have me read children’s books. I understand this because my background in reading tells me that to read books with lots of alliteration helps with speaking. I decided to try this book because it is my absolute favorite and I must have read it to Sean 1 million times!:

I got lost in my memories the first time I read it. I was back living in my Parents’ house and sleeping in my bedroom growing up with a crib next to my bed. It was comforting to read the book and to read it out loud that helps with my speech but it reminded me of reading it to my child! I have decided that if I was going to pick up colors for today it would be brown. I have added the two pages that explain a “Brown day” and I think that’s how I feel right about now…

My speech pathologist wants me to read it aloud daily and I also have to dictate unedited text messages to her. I appreciate all of the work she is doing with me too help me to keep as much of my speech as I can for as long as I can. I still have a lot of work to do today but it is a brown day so I am not motivated…