My ABSOLUTE Favorite Hallmark Movie

So, yesterday I felt a bit wonky. Probably because I am not doing well with dealing with my disease progression. 21 years seem to be a little bit much for me! My Mom had laid down for a nap so I was going to watch something on TV. I turned the TV on and just saw the opening scene of this gem! This is my ABSOLUTE favorite Hallmark movie!:

Subconsciously, I compare ALL Hallmark movies with this one! `

Think I like this scene the best because it shows that they belong together! They got married

This was the first movie that I was watching that Sean commented on wondering what it was about. I have been watching the same movies over and over again for his entire life! I don’t know why thought it would be different! He commented on it when he was headed to his room and he turned his head to say something to me at the same time that I begin mouthing the song he was singing in the movie. I love the words that go along with this scene in the movie and her name is Sarah in the movie and her favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip ALSO!!!

And they have belonged together the whole time!

I love these are the final scenes with them getting married!!!

I don’t know how many times I have seen this movie but I’m sure it’s somewhere around 200 or so…?: