This IS Why

So, let me explain what happened last night. My right foot has been hurting for the past couple days, specifically, my right heel. My Mom would move my compression sock around but it was still hurting. But last night, I couldn’t even stand on my foot at all to transfer to the restroom. I had my Mom pull my sock off to look at what was hurting me so badly. What we discovered was a extremely reddened and swollen heel. At a doctor’s appointment a few weeks ago, the doctor suggested I take my socks off at night to give my legs to a rest. She could not understand why I had 30-40 pound pressure compression socks.

So, last night, my Mom and I decided that I would NOT sleep with them on and see how things go in the morning. The idea of sleeping WITHOUT compression socks scares me because I have been since 2015. I didn’t want my feet to be purple like they get when my Mom washes my legs. I woke up this morning and my heel still was aching me but my legs felt strange. I felt it last night when I what is falling to sleep. I thought about my days of being a competitive swimmer when I was a kid. Sometimes, we would wear fins to go faster when we swam. They really made us swim faster but I always remember when we would take them off and our feet felt so strange and inept at moving like they did with the fans on.

I was thinking about that because as I was sitting in my wheelchair this morning and trying to wake up, my knee felt completely exposed and somewhat cracked open like it did before I had surgery but after my injury. I sat in my chair and try to remain completely still because any movement made my knee hurt. My heel still was hurting so I had no idea what I was going to do today. My Mom moved my foot as she was going to take my legs down off of the pedals to get into the restroom and I screamed! It hurt so badly!!! She put my foot back on my pedal and thought for a moment.

We still have my size 3 compression socks that I wore during the lockdown when the pandemic first started. I have already shared that I have since moved down to a size 2 compression sock because with all of my speech and chewing problems, I have been drinking both my breakfast and lunch. So, my Mom put my size 3 compression socks on. They don’t hurt my heel because they are kind of loose but they still cradle my knee enough so that doesn’t hurt either!

My Mom told me that I should wear my size 3 socks until my heel feels better. I am not sure how this happened but I hope it gets better soon! I had my meniscus repaired in May 2017 and that was when I started wearing the 30-40 pound compression socks. Dr. Frush prescribed them. He was the surgeon. When the internist told me that I should take them off and they didn’t know why I had such high compression, NOW I know why! This IS why!!! I need the high compression to cradle my knee with having MS for over 20 years now, that is pretty much imperative! It all makes sense now! oh, but having had MS for so long, my body does NOT heal quickly at all! The skin was not broken and it’s just irritated and red so hopefully with my bigger size 3 compression socks, maybe that will get better quickly but I don’t think on it.