ALL-TIME Christmas Faves 2021: Top 20; The Basics

I think this list was getting too long so I have decided to just include the basics. Songs that I have heard my whole life! Let’s start with a Christmas that I decided this was my favorite song, I think it was seven, I was climbing into the backseat of our station wagon just as mass finished:

Wham! “Last Christmas”

This year, Sean put my tree up before Thanksgiving and I put Wham! on as he was fluffing the branches. He requested this song that has been part of my Christmases for my entire life:

Jose Feliciano “Feliz Navidad”

Gayla Peevey “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas”

Judy Garland “Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas”

Karen Carpenter “Merry Christmas, Darling”

Mariah Carey ”All I want for Christmas is you”

Alabama ”The Christmas shoes”

Train ”Shake up Christmas”

Jon Bon Jovi “Please come home for Christmas”

John Secada “Oh Holy Night”

Sarah McLachlan ”River”

U2 “Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)”


Cee-Lo Green “Mary, Did you know?1

Kelly Clarkson ”Underneath the Tree”

Band Aid “Do they know it’s Christmas?”

Barenaked Ladies ”God Rest Ye, Merry Gentleman

Andy Williams ”It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

James Taylor “Have Yourself a Merry little Christmas”

Bing Crosby & David Bowie “The Little Drummer Boy (Peace on Earth)”

Added in 2021:

Stevie Wonder ”This Christmas”

And this one for my cousinT, Shannon! I don’t like this song but because she does and I am putting it in Because I love her and I ALWAYS have to listen!

Bruce Springsteen ”Santa Claus is Coming to Town”