Topsy-Turvy OR The Changing of the Guard

Events of today were a little bit crazy! I woke up this morning knowing that my Mom was going to make pies for Thanksgiving with my oldest brother. I was most grateful for him to take over for our generation when my Mom‘s generation is gone. I was most appreciative to learn that my house was going to, once again, smell like my mom‘s pies! It is a smell that I Love but never thought that I would smell in my house! with this pandemic persisting, my Mom is still staying with me so our family pie making will commence in my home! I love it!

My Mom got me ready for the day before all of the holiday festivities would begin. I decided to be festive as well! This is me being chronically ill but still festive because I’m excited about the season! Right after I snapped this picture, I put my sweatshirt on. Unfortunately, the life of a chronically ill person consists of sweats. My T-shirt says, “Thanks + Giving.”

What time Sean showed up, since he was here, my mom wanted him to get the tree from the basement. I was concerned about the tree bucks because it is the 16th year that we have had the same box. Sean went downstairs by himself and then I heard it! Sean yelled from the basement that if we have the same tree box next year, he will boycott Christmas!

When he was upstairs, he put the box in the living room and told me that the tree fell out! I started to laugh when I snapped this picture and he told me he will pick a new box for us. I told him that we have a 7 1/2 foot tree and let him do it.

Call Sean thinks that the tree box is dead but he got the Treestand out of the front closet and proceeded to take the tree out of the box! As he started to do that, I told him that things are all topsy-turvy this year and I had to put on the song that will start the Christmas season for me!

I love this song! It completely set me in the mood and I watched and Sean was fluffing the branches. I told him that I am witnessing the, “Changing of the guard.” He only read and talked about my brother making the pies with my Mom but I stopped him and told him that I was witnessing the, “Changing of the guard,” by watching him put the tree up. My Mom has always put the tree up since I have gotten it but now it seems that Sean will do that. I still just sat in my wheelchair to supervise but phase 1 is now complete!

My brother, Ray, will be here soon and then the smells of my Mom’s pies will waft through my house which will make me happy because I AM in a festive mood! I even dressed the part! Before Sean left, my mom had him take the box downstairs. Before he did, he yelled, “Don’t call it a box!” and I immediately thought of LL cool J #JustBecause: