2-`Device Process OR ‘Splain Ya

Ever since I purchased my iPad, every blog post I write is a “2 device process.” Because my eyes have gotten so bad over the past 20 years, I need to make the screen extremely zoomed out so I can make out the words. But if I want a picture or a video, I embed those using my phone because my phone is small and easier to hold. But then, I need to actually write the blog post. That’s when I go over to my iPad and make the writing super big so I can see it. As I write it, I use voice to text technology to make it easier.

hi I thought I would explain that today because my eyes hurt and because of that, I am just going to speak my blog post into existence because I will not put any pictures or YouTube videos on it. But I wanted to post something, so I thought I would ‘splain ya.